- Introduction
- National Digital Library
- George and Carolyn Breaz
- The mission of the Library of Congress is to make its resources
available and useful to Congress and the American people and to sustain
and preserve a universal collection of knowledge and creativity for
future generations. The goal of the Library's National Digital Library
Program is to offer broad public access to a wide range of historical
and cultural documents as a contribution to education and lifelong
- The Library of Congress presents these documents as part of the record
of the past. These primary historical documents reflect the attitudes,
perspectives, and beliefs of different times. The Library of Congress
does not endorse the views expressed in these collections, which may
contain materials offensive to some readers.
- These workshop materials are being reproduced with permission from the
National Digital Library of Congress.
- National Digital Library Workshop
- Presentation #1
- Participant Goals:
- In this workshop, each participant will:
- Begin to develop the skills needed to use the Library of
Congress/National Digital Library web sites effectively (LOC/NDL)
- Explore collection resources to identify topics of interest
- Participant Objectives:
- At the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:
- Understand the mission of the Library of Congress’ National Digital
Library Program and its commitment to providing access to primary source
material through the use of technology.
- Understand that American Memory is a collection of archival collections
each with its own unique characteristics and search opportunities.
- Understand the tools, skills and conceptual underpinnings of the
collections, allowing them to utilize the collections in their teaching.
- Use strategies that are modeled to locate documents, images, and
multimedia resources on in the collections.
- Identify participant/team topic of interest.
- Activities:
- Facilitator Activities:
- Demonstrate multiple search methods for materials.
- Distribute and review contact information, URLs, web site activities,
and agendas.
- Participant/Team Activities:
- Participant/Team begin searching the collections.
- Participant /Team share strategies of searching collections that they
would use with their students and identify the inherent difficulties.
- Participant /Team begin identifying topics
- National Digital Library Workshop
- Presentation #2
- Participant Goals:
- In this workshop, each participant will:
- Understand that primary sources come “unvarnished” and raise more
questions than they answer.
- Develop strategies for “making meaning” from the materials.
- Participant Objectives:
- At the end of this workshop, teams will be able to:
- Differentiate between primary and secondary sources.
- Apply a resource analysis process to analyze primary source media
(visual, auditory, textual).
- Replicate modeled use of multimedia in the development of their own
- Identify collection resources specific to their topics.
- Copy, paste, and save (bookmark – add to favorites) URL(s) of resources
specific to their topics.
- Identify specific software/hardware requirements necessary to utilize
the LOC/NDL web site effectively.
- Activities:
- Facilitator Activities:
- Demonstrate and provide guided practice in a resource analysis process
for analyzing primary sources.
- Demonstrate unique technical requirements of the LOC/NDL web site.
- Model techniques-technical examples for using LOC/NDL resources.
- Participant/Team Activities:
- Identify specific resources within a collection as they pertain to their
selected topics.
- Practice analyzing primary sources using the resource analysis process.
- Engage in bookmarking, downloading, printing, and saving resources from
the LOC/NDL.
- Participants will engage in hands-on exercises throughout the
- Grateful acknowledgement is made to the following members of the
National Digital Library staff for their permission to use NDL web sites
and content contained therein.
- Susan H Veccia, Project Director, National Digital Library of Congress
- Leni Donlan, Educational Resources Specialist for the National Digital
Library Program, Library of Congress.
- Karen Needles, Library of Congress Staff Development facilitator in the
- Learning Center at the
National Digital Library.
- Linda White, Reference Librarian, Library of Congress
- For Zach and Olivia