Sprayberry High School is a comprehensive high school located in Northwest Atlanta, GA. Sprayberry is a member of the Cobb County School District. The role of Sprayberry is to develop and test new materials in Social Studies using integrated technologies. Sprayberry is currently working on several projects that capitalize on our geographic uniqueness. A class of students will be taking an overnight field trip to an active archeological Georgia Indian mound dig. The class will take both digital video and photos so a virtual field trip will be posted on the web. Georgia is blessed to have a resource like the Carter Center and the Carter Presidential Library. Sprayberry is developing communication with President Carter in hopes of videotaping Sprayberry students interviewing President Carter. Sprayberry is collaborating with several other Challenge Grants. Sprayberry teachers are also participating in Cobb County's "Sustainable Futures Grant," the Concord Consortium's "Virtual High School," and the Olympia Washington's "Generation Why Project."
Copyright © 1997-2003
Career Connection to Teaching with Technology
USDOE Technology Innovation Challenge Grant
Marshall Ransom, Project Manager
All rights reserved.