The focus of this lesson is to compose a tale through the
perspective of the main character. Editing and revisions will be
made to ensure the final publication is correct with Standard
English. The goal is to have students compose their own tale using
the elements of fiction, descriptive language, and literary devices.
Lesson fundamental understandings: Essential
Questions: a. The elements of fiction make up the
essential framework of the story. b. An outline of the story
helps organize the essential elements. c. Descriptive language
and literary devices bring the story to life. d. The perspective
of the main character will determine events in the story. e.
Editing and revising is necessary before writing your final draft
and improves the appeal of the story to your audience. f. The
final publishing of the story is the end product of your hard work.
National Standards Students employ a
wide range of strategies as they write and use different writing
process elements appropriately to communicate with different
audiences for a variety of purposes.
State Standards 6.6.1 Generate ideas for
writing by responding to visual stimuli such as objects and
photographs. 6.6.2 Organize ideas through activites such as
categorizing and outlining. 6.6.3 Write paragraphs and compositions
with clear transitions between items. 6.6.4 Revise compositions to
improve organization and consistency of ideas. 6.6.5 Edit for use of
Standard English. 6.6.6 Produce writing with a voice that shows
awareness of an intended audience and purpose. 6.6.7 Share final
draft with designated audience.
Prerequisite Skills
Students should have prior knowledge of the elements of fiction
(reading and writing), descriptive language (how and when to use
it), literary devices (what types of devices can you use to improve
the story), Standard English, and the writng process. All this prior
knowledge are skills the students can use to publish a tale.
Information/Situations/Setting/Time Time Frame:
1-3 days (50 minute periods)
Materials /
Resources: Pencil, paper, eyes, ears, brain Stories used
during the unit Computer Computer programs (Hyperstudio /Power
point) poster board
Pre-lesson preparation: 1. Write
examples of the elements of fiction, descriptive language, and
literary devices on poster board to assist students with their
writing. 2. Have a poster on the wall or write on poster board
the steps in the writing process.
A rubric will be used to evaluate students' published tale.
Student Activity/Tasks 1. As a
whole-class, the students will discuss the components of the unit
especially the elements of fiction, descriptive language, and
literary devices. 2. The students will listen to stories read
throughout the unit to remind the students of the elements we are
focusing on. 3. The students will choose a main character and
write a story about that character, using all the elements of
fiction (character, setting, plot, dialogue), descriptive language,
and literary devices. 4. The students will choose a partner to
read their story to make sure all aspects of the assignment are
present in the draft. 5. The students will revise their story
using the suggestions from their partener. 6. The studens will
have an adult edit their paper. 7. The students will individually
edit and revise their paper for final publication. 8. The
students can choose how they want their final publication (write,
type, or create a multimedia presentation).
Enrichment/Alternate Activity:
1. Students can create illustration and put their story into a
book format. 2. Students can change one or more of the elements in
their story and rewrite it. 3. Students can write a play about their
story and create a dramatization about the story.
Reading, Science, and Art
Computer programs (Hyperstudio /Power point) Computer writing
program (i.e. Microsoft word or Appleworks) Paper and pencil to
write final publication
The books used during the unit
Additional Resources
Related Lessons
Related Resources
Copyright © 1997-2003
Career Connection to Teaching with Technology
USDOE Technology Innovation Challenge Grant
Marshall Ransom, Project Manager
All rights reserved.