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Units of Practice

Lesson #4: Murder Mystery: Catch the Clues

Lesson Details

Subject: Science
Learning Level: High School
Author(s): Rich Fox, Chrissy Hemby, Karen Spaeth, Gloria Williams
Submitted by:


In this lesson, students will use data generated in a previous activity to analyze a mock crime scene. Students will conduct a forensics investigation in which measurements of blood spatter patterns will be made to determine height and angle of impact at the time of the crime. At the culmination of the activity, students will create a presentation using the information assimilated in the entire unit.

Lesson fundamental understandings:
Essential Questions:

Fundamental Understandings: Much of the scientific understanding is constructed through the development of patterns and generalizations. Analyzing measurements is one effective tool used to create and evaluate these patterns.

Essential Questions: How are measurements used in blood spatter investigations?


National Standards

NSES STANDARD: Unifying Concepts and Processes TECHNOLOGY STANDARDS: Students use a variety of media and formats to communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences Students use technology tools to process data and report results INFORMATION LITERACY: Standard 1: The student who is information literate accesses information efficiently and effectively. Standard 2: The student who is information literate evaluates information critically and competently. Standard 3: The student who is information literate uses information accurately and creatively.

State Standards

Georgia: Process Skills Nevada: Process Skills #19


Prerequisite Skills

Students should have completed Lessons 1-3 in this unit. Students should be able to: access spreadsheet information, access database of digital photos, make measurements, analyze data, compare and contrast different sets of data, and use presentation software

Teacher Information/Situations/Setting/Time

Time Frame: 50 minutes

Situation: Students work in small groups of two or three

Teacher Information:
1. Cover the impact surface at the "crime scene" with one of the materials tested in Lesson 3.
2. Set up a crime scene beforehand using a mannequin, a styrofoam head, a CPR dummy, a doll, etc
3. Hollow an egg and fill with simulated blood. See recipe in Lessons 1 and 3.
4. Place the filled egg on the victim's head or other vital organ area.
5. Using a striking device of your own choosing, hit the egg so that the simulated blood spatters onto the impact surface.
6. As an added touch, obtain crime scene tape from your local police department to isolate the scene.
7. Have students begin the investigation and warn them not to disturb any of the blood spatter patterns thereby maintaining the integrity of the crime scene.
8. Provide rubrics to the students so that they will know how they are being assessed.


Students will be creating a performance-based product for their summative assessment. Rubrics for these products can be found at the following website:






Student Activity/Tasks

Student Activity:

1. Your teacher has created a mock crime scene for you to investigate.
2. Make measurements of the blood stain patterns so that ultimately you will able to determine the height and angle at which this unfortunate person was struck.
3. Use all techniques learned in Lesson 3 to help you come up with a final answer.
4. Create a presentation using Powerpoint, Hyperstudio, or any other software which shows your final determination. Justify your decisions using information learned in Lessons 1-3.

Enrichment/Alternate Activity:

Enact a mock trial using information gathered from the crime scene. Debate the determinations made by the various lab groups.


Mathematics Forensic Science Art/Visual Design

Technology Requirements/Tools/Materials

Presentation software
Optional: Large screen projection system


Additional Resources

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Career Connection to Teaching with Technology
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