The purpose of this unit is for students to demonstrate
understanding of why communities require laws that protect the
rights and properties of others and form basic ways to resolve
Invitation/Fundamental Understandings: Essential
Questions: Knowledge and skills: Fundamental
understanding: (help) Society requires laws to safe guard
personal rights, property, and maintains order.
Questions: (help) Why are laws necessary in society? How do
laws affect personal freedom? Do laws apply to
Knowledge and skills: Identify reasons why
communities require laws Demonstrate awareness of the rights and
properties of others. Identify appropriate ways to resolve
National Standards What are important
rights in the United States? What are important responsibilities
of Americans? Where do people in government get the authority to
make, apply, and enforce rules and laws and manage disputes about
them? What are the purposes of rules and laws?
State Standards (NV/Civics--1.3.1)
Identify examples of rules, laws, and authorities that keep people
safe and property secure. (NV/Civics--4.3.3) Discuss why people form
groups (NV/Civics--5.3.4)--Identify an individual's rights within
the classroom
Workforce Competencies:
Unit of Practice
Society requires laws that protect the individual rights and
properties. Laws form the basis for resolving conflicts. Without
laws society would not advance.
By third grade students should be able to participate in class
decision making. By the end of third grade students will be able to
recognize responsibilities that accompany personal rights.
Students will explain results of not having specific laws, such
as, traffic laws and school rules. Students will organize the
classroom establishing rules and procedures
(role-playing). Examination on resolving conflicts.
Day 1--After viewing historical jaywalking poster students will
demonstrate proper way to cross the street. Day 2--School district
police will come to discuss importance of following rules. Day
3--Mayflower Compact--After reviewing Mayflower Compact students
will agree to follow specific lunchroom procedures.
Additional Resources
Related Resources
Mayflower Compact
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Career Connection to Teaching with Technology
USDOE Technology Innovation Challenge Grant
Marshall Ransom, Project Manager
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