Students will present their group oral reports, including visual
Lesson fundamental understandings: Essential
Questions: Lesson fundamental understandings and
essential questions: Students develop an understanding of the
link between the Emancipation Proclamation and the Civil Rights Act
of 1964 and how they effect their lives today.
National Standards State standard(s):
(help) Civics 1.5.4 Describe the operation of representative
government, including the rights of political minorities. 5.5.6
Identify ways conflicts can be resolved in a peaceful manner that
respects individual rights. 1.5.1 Describe the effects on society of
the absence of law. History 1.5.2 Record events on a graphic
organizer. 2.5.1 Ask a historical question and identify resources to
be used in research. 2.5.2 Organize historical information from a
variety of sources. English Language Arts Writing 5.5.6 Write short
expository text that speculates on causes and effects and offer
simple persuasive evidence. 6.5.2 Organize ideas through activities
such as outlining, listing, webbing, and mapping. 9.5.1 Use specific
and varied vocabulary and apply Standard English to communicate
ideas. Listening and Speaking 9.5.2 Select and use appropriate
public speaking techniques such as gestures, facial expressions,
posture, speaking rate/pace, and enunciation. 9.5.3 Give organized
reports that demonstrate a clear point of view and incorporate
multi-media aids as needed for enhancement. 10.5.1 Participate in
conversations and group discussions as a contributor and leader.
Research 11.5.2 Select information from multiple resources to answer
questions. 11.5.3 List sources used in research. 11.5.4 Record
information using given note taking and organization formats. 11.5.5
Present research findings using charts, maps, or graphs with written
State Standards
Prerequisite Skills
Able to work productively in a group setting
Information/Situations/Setting/Time 50 minutes per
day Presentation outlines Visual components Video camera
and tapes
Oral presentation rubric. Rubric template can be created at
Student Activity/Tasks Student group
presentations will be video taped
Enrichment/Alternate Activity:
Additional Resources
Related Lessons
Related Resources
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Career Connection to Teaching with Technology
USDOE Technology Innovation Challenge Grant
Marshall Ransom, Project Manager
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