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Combining Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns
Carey Hansard
    3-5 days

Lesson created on 7/21/1999 7:36:00 PM EST.
Last modified 5/11/2000 11:44:12 AM EST.

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Abstract  (help)

In this lesson, students will learn how to rewrite sentences when there is both a direct and indirect object in a sentence using the proper pronouns. As they will soon find, when certain pronouns are placed together, one of them will need to change.

National Standards  (help)

Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through the foreign language. Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions. Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics.

Pre-requisite Skills  (help)

Students will have already had the individual lessons on direct and indirect objects. In those lessons, they will have learned how to locate the following: (a) conjugated verbs (b) infinitive verbs (c) present participles (d) positive and negative commands (e) the direct object (f) the indirect object Students will have already learned how to figure out which pronoun replaces certain direct and indirect objects in a sentence and where they need to go.

Teacher Information  (help)

As most of the concepts for this lesson have already been discussed, the teacher should spend the majority of the time talking about what to do when double object pronouns both beginning with L are encountered. Students should also be familiar with the Power Point program as a presentation will be one of the requirements.

Assessment  (help)

As an assessment, students can do the cooperative learning activity mentioned in the previous lessons on direct and indirect object pronouns. Students can also complete a worksheet. In order to integrate technology into the lesson, the students will be assigned a small project in which they will create a brief childrens' story using all of the types of pronouns discussed, including double object pronouns. In the form of a Power Point presentation, the students will create a short story for kids. The students should be grouped by the teacher for the best performance. The group size will depend on the class size. When grouping students, the teacher should consider putting students that are proficient in Power Point in each group. The teacher will also want to put students that have a good understanding of the concept of pronouns in the Spanish sentences.

Student Activity  (help)

In small groups, students will write a short story for children using short, simple sentences that include direct and indirect objects. Students will want to write their story on paper together first and get the teacher's approval before putting the story on the computer. For example, a story might go something like this: Mary has a dog. Mary keeps him in the house. The dog has a ball. He plays it everyday. Mary gives it to him all the time. The dog eats dog food. He needs it to live. Mary gives it to him everyday. The students can put this on the computer using pictures to make it interesting. The teacher can decide how many sentences will be required and the number of direct, indirect and double object pronouns will be necessary for credit and assign a point value to them. The website mentioned below will aide the students in writing some sentences.

Technology Requirements/Integration  (help)

A computer containing Power Point and Internet access. Power Point will be used to create a story.

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Career Connection to Teaching with Technology
USDOE Technology Innovation Challenge Grant
Marshall Ransom, Project Manager
All rights reserved.

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