This activity is a simulated visit to a Native American culture in a wetland ecosystem. Learn the facts of the Timucan people of the 1400"s and the enviroment they lived in. This activity will take you through the environment of the hunter-gathers and the native area that they subsisted on. The objective of this activity is to give students insight into the Native American culture form the realistic viewpoint of the Timucuans. Students will learn how Timucuans lived and worked. As an integral part of this thematic unit of social studies, folklore, science, math, arts and crafts, literature, home econmics, history, language arts, music, and life skills will be addressed.
Geography Language arts US History World History
Students will need the following vocabulary: Timucuan, hunter-gather, primitive, culture,nomadic, Kunti, Koontie, Coontie, vension,sea cows, manatees, terrapins, tortoises, berries, nuts, fruits, sea grasses, cacti, uplands, hammock, marshes, bays, estuaries, economics, politics, belief, language, invention, ritual ceremony, warrior, mythology, projectile, Atlantis, shaman, breechcloth, tattoo, chickee, attribute
The teacher will explain, model, research, and then generalize Explain- Give background information needed for the lesson Model- Show the student what is expected of them Research- Look into other avenues to start the learning process Generalize- Have the student talk and show what they have learned using all classes and situations possible.
Assessment can be accomplished through a portfolio, or booklet being made on what each student or class has researched and learned. The evaluation can also be done through presentations or quizzes and test.
First the students will have to know the words so teacher might want to assign spelling and looking the word up and using it in a sentence. Crosswords Puzzles - with all the prerequiste skills Internet searches Vocabulary fun could have a spelling bee with the words. Word games- Like jeopardy using the words an a team or indidvual gets a point for each one right.
Use of computer Internet access Media center Library public and/or private calculators