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Nate Hines
9-12    6-8 hours

Lesson created on 8/17/1999 3:38:26 PM EST.
Last modified 11/15/1999 9:15:14 AM EST.

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Abstract  (help)

1. Focus [What is the lesson about?] a) What is the essential content? Cell organelle functions. Students will learn about and interpret the functions of the organelles of the cell. b) What is the learning outcome? Students will be able to demonstrate their understanding of the cell components through interpretations of their prior knowledge

National Standards  (help)

CONTENT STANDARD A: As a result of activities in grades 9-12, all students should develop *Abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry CONTENT STANDARD C: As a result of their activities in grades 9-12, all students should develop understanding of *The cell

Pre-requisite Skills  (help)

Computer and research basics Internet Search functions Basic knowledge of the cell in general

Teacher Information  (help)

Assessment  (help)

Learning will be assessed in several different ways. First, the instructor will watch and critique the students during the actual presentation by each group. The rubric will be based on the groups’ ability to support their choices for each organelle parallel. In addition, points will be given on creativity; preparedness and ability to answer peer questions posed by the class. The rubric is as follows: Project completion (10 organelles)50 pts (5 pts. Each) Support of Organelle Parallel choices 20 pts Fielding peer questions 10 pts Creativity / Teacher Discretionary allowance

Student Activity  (help)

Technology Requirements/Integration  (help)

Copyright © 1997-2003
Career Connection to Teaching with Technology
USDOE Technology Innovation Challenge Grant
Marshall Ransom, Project Manager
All rights reserved.

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