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Penny Paradies
7th Grade    

Lesson created on 10/24/1999 10:25:34 PM EST.
Last modified 11/22/1999 3:21:13 PM EST.

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Abstract  (help)

Students will “continue” the story for key characters in Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry based on various events in history and how they might have affected these characters.

National Standards  (help)

Language Arts: Standard 8. Students use a variety of technological and information resources (e.g., libraries, databases, computer networks, video) to gather and synthesize information and to create and communicate knowledge.

Pre-requisite Skills  (help)

Knowledge of Internet, Electric Library (E-Library) and Library Media Center (LMC) usage. Knowledge of the steps in the writing process. Knowledge of the 6-Trait Writing Model.

Teacher Information  (help)

ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION Students will research various historical events and will use information from them to create a “timeline” for their character from the novel. Students will select three criteria that will be used to create a fictional biography for one of the characters from the story Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry. They will use various sources to research historical events which could have influenced the characters in their lives and incorporate this information into the biography. PROCEDURE WITH TEACHING STRATEGIES 1. Students will draw one slip from each of the criteria baskets. (This information is listed above in the “Materials” section.) If more than one student picks the same combination, the teacher should allow the student(s) to switch one detail. Students will use these criteria along with historical events to create a fictional “timeline” for their characters. The “timeline” doesn’t need to be in the form of a line. Students may use their creativity to create the format. Possible suggestions: ladder, circle, etc. Each “timeline” should include fifteen events from the character’s life that have occurred since the end of the novel. The events should include a date (month, date, year) and what occurred. 2. Gathering historical research – Each student will gather information about the various events in history that could have had an influence on the character’s life. Information will be gathered from a variety of resources (Internet, E-Library, LMC, laser disk, videos). If the teacher chooses, he/she may give the students a list of significant historical events to explore. 3. Biography – Each student will create a biography for his/her student based on the criteria selected from the criteria baskets. (FYI - for those using the Macmillan/McGraw-Hill series Language Arts Today , Unit 8 deals with writing a biographical sketch.) The student will follow the steps of the writing process (outlined in most writing texts). Emphasis will be given to the six writing traits (conventions, voice, organization, ideas and content, word choice, fluency). The student may select whether the biography is written in first person or third person. The student will be provided with an assessment rubric (See end of lesson.) before he/she begins writing. Steps in the process:  Gathering information/Prewriting  First draft  Revising  Editing  Final copy After completion, the student will present the biography orally to a small group of students. A written copy will then be submitted to the teacher.

Assessment  (help)

ASSESSMENT PERFORMANCE 1. Timelines – Timelines must contain a minimum of fifteen events (date, month and year) along with the event that occurred. Each event will be worth a total of two points. Any portion of the points may be earned based on grammatical and historical correctness. An additional ten points may be earned for presentation. The assignment will be worth a total of forty points. 2. Written Biography – I prefer to assign credit/partial credit for the early stages of the writing process (gathering information/prewriting, first draft, revising, editing) with each stage being worth a possible five points. The final written copy is worth a possible fifty points. Students will be given the assessment rubric in advance so they will know what is expected of them. A rubric for the 6-Trait Writing Model will be included on the larger assessment rubric. (See below.) ASSESSMENT RUBRIC FOR BIOGRAPHY STAGES IN THE WRITING PROCESS POINTS Gathering Information / Prewiting 5 First Draft 5 Revising 5 Editing 5 Final Copy 50 TOTAL POINTS 70 6-Trait Rubric Conventions 5 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 Voice 5 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 Organization 5 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 Ideas and Content 5 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 Word Choice 5 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 Fluency 5 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1

Student Activity  (help)

ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION Students will research various historical events and will use information from them to create a “timeline” for their character from the novel. Students will select three criteria that will be used to create a fictional biography for one of the characters from the story Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry. They will use various sources to research historical events which could have influenced the characters in their lives and incorporate this information into the biography. RESOURCES 1. Internet Sites: http://www.xs4all.nl/~swanson/history/sitemap.html http://tqd.advanced.org/3337/time19.html http://www.niica.on.ca/csonan/BLKWORLD.htm http://www.wmich.edu/politics/mlk http://www.worldafricannet.com/young/youngindex.html http://www.rfttc.org/~dpearson/guy/htm http://www.montgomery-al.com/ 2. Laser Disk – History in Motion – Milestones of the 20th Century – Chapters 16, 18 & 19 Laser Disk published by Scholastic ISBN – 0-590-85875-0 3. Videos – A History of the Civil Rights Movement Schlessinger Video Productions

Technology Requirements/Integration  (help)

MATERIALS 1. Criteria baskets with enough slips so each student will have one from each basket. Basket #1 - Characters: Stacey, Cassie, Christopher John, Little Man, Mary Logan, David Logan, Uncle Hammer, Jeremy Simms, Mr. Jamison, Mr. Morrison Basket #2 - Geographical location: Atlanta, GA; Biloxi, MS; Charleston, SC; Chicago, IL; Detroit, MI; Houston, TX; Kansas City MO; Los Angeles, CA; New York City, NY; Washington, D.C. Basket #3 - Year: 1948, 1958, 1968, 1978 2. Laser disk and videos listed in the “Resources” section.

Copyright © 1997-2003
Career Connection to Teaching with Technology
USDOE Technology Innovation Challenge Grant
Marshall Ransom, Project Manager
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