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A Force is a Force, Of Course
Judy Rumgay
7th Grade    

Lesson created on 10/25/1999 9:06:54 PM EST.
Last modified 11/11/1999 3:43:04 PM EST.

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Abstract  (help)

Students will understand basic definitions of force and related terminology, such as work and energy.

National Standards  (help)

Physical Science Content Standard B: As a result of activities, students should develop an understanding of motions and forces.

Pre-requisite Skills  (help)

Internet access skills; reference skills; Microsoft Power Point software skills.

Teacher Information  (help)

Procedure with Teaching Strategies 1. Students will research the concept of forces using the references provided. 2. Students will develop a Power Point presentation that defines and explains the nature of forces and cites examples of forces of nature. Materials: 1. student computer with internet access 2. additional physics references 3. Microsoft Office software Vocabulary: 1. Mechanics 2. Mass 3. Inertia 4. Motion 5. Acceleration 6. G-force 7. Force 8. Proportional (direct/inverse) 9. Vectors 10. Work 11. Friction 12. Equilibrium 13. Energy 14. Air resistance 15. Momentum Resources: 1. Forces http://www.hughchristie.kent.sch.uk/science/force.htm 2. Forces on Objects Undergoing Circular Motion http://www.curtin.edu.au/curtin/dept/phys-sci/gravity/index2.htm 3. Air Resistance http://www.curtin.edu.au/curtin/dept/phys-sci/gravity/index2.htm 4. Law of Universal Gravitation http://www.curtin.edu.au/curtin/dept/phys-sci/gravity/index2.htm 5. Simulation—Force and Friction http://library.advanced.org/10170/pullbox/index.html 6. When Push Comes to Pull http://master.ph.utexas.edu/CTC/GBell/modules/motion/Newton3.html 7. Speeding Marbles http://master.ph.utexas.edu/CTC/TSellers/NewtonsLaws/marble.html 8. Work and Energy http://oldsci.eiu.edu/physics/DDavis/3050/Ch6WrkEnrg/ToC.html 9. Momentum http://oldsci.eiu.edu/physics/DDavis/3050/Ch5Momntm/ToC.html 10. Newton’s Laws of Motion http://oldsci.eiu.edu/physics/DDavis/3050/Ch4Nwtn/ToC.html 11. Scalars and Vectors http://oldsci.eiu.edu/physics/DDavis/3050/Ch3_2D/Vectors.html 12. Acceleration http://oldsci.eiu.edu/physics/DDavis/3050/Ch2Motion/Accel.html 13. Linear Momentum http://jasmine.esu10.k12.ne.us/~lexingto/LexSchools/buildings/High/Science/Physics/linear.html 14. Vectors http://jasmine.esu10.k12.ne.us/~lexingto/LexSchools/buildings/High/Science/Physics/vectors.html 15. Inertia http://www.neutron.anl.gov/inertia.htm 16. Vectors http://www.kapili.com/physics4kids/motion/vectors.html 17. Forces http://www.kapili.com/physics4kids/motion/force.html 18. VanCleave, Janice. Gravity, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1993. 19. Fleisher, Paul. Secrets of the Universe, Aatheneum, New York, 1987. 20. Daniels, Patricia, Allan Fallow, and Karin Kinney, Editorial Directors. Physical Forces, Time-Life, Alexandria, Virginia, 1993. Classroom Management: This lesson will require several days, particularly if Power Point instruction is required. One class period should be slated for research and two periods for the development of the presentation. It is beneficial if students are permitted to view each others completed projects, as well.

Assessment  (help)

This assignment should be evaluated for completeness and correctness. A minimum number of slides should be required with a list of necessary terms to be included. Additionally, the insertion of graphics and/or Internet pictures may also be required.

Student Activity  (help)

Students will access internet sites and physics references to obtain information about the nature of forces. They will display this information in the form of a Power Point presentation. Materials: 1. student computer with internet access 2. additional physics references 3. Microsoft Office software Vocabulary: 1. Mechanics 2. Mass 3. Inertia 4. Motion 5. Acceleration 6. G-force 7. Force 8. Proportional (direct/inverse) 9. Vectors 10. Work 11. Friction 12. Equilibrium 13. Energy 14. Air resistance 15. Momentum Resources: 1. Forces http://www.hughchristie.kent.sch.uk/science/force.htm 2. Forces on Objects Undergoing Circular Motion http://www.curtin.edu.au/curtin/dept/phys-sci/gravity/index2.htm 3. Air Resistance http://www.curtin.edu.au/curtin/dept/phys-sci/gravity/index2.htm 4. Law of Universal Gravitation http://www.curtin.edu.au/curtin/dept/phys-sci/gravity/index2.htm 5. Simulation—Force and Friction http://library.advanced.org/10170/pullbox/index.html 6. When Push Comes to Pull http://master.ph.utexas.edu/CTC/GBell/modules/motion/Newton3.html 7. Speeding Marbles http://master.ph.utexas.edu/CTC/TSellers/NewtonsLaws/marble.html 8. Work and Energy http://oldsci.eiu.edu/physics/DDavis/3050/Ch6WrkEnrg/ToC.html 9. Momentum http://oldsci.eiu.edu/physics/DDavis/3050/Ch5Momntm/ToC.html 10. Newton’s Laws of Motion http://oldsci.eiu.edu/physics/DDavis/3050/Ch4Nwtn/ToC.html 11. Scalars and Vectors http://oldsci.eiu.edu/physics/DDavis/3050/Ch3_2D/Vectors.html 12. Acceleration http://oldsci.eiu.edu/physics/DDavis/3050/Ch2Motion/Accel.html 13. Linear Momentum http://jasmine.esu10.k12.ne.us/~lexingto/LexSchools/buildings/High/Science/Physics/linear.html 14. Vectors http://jasmine.esu10.k12.ne.us/~lexingto/LexSchools/buildings/High/Science/Physics/vectors.html 15. Inertia http://www.neutron.anl.gov/inertia.htm 16. Vectors http://www.kapili.com/physics4kids/motion/vectors.html 17. Forces http://www.kapili.com/physics4kids/motion/force.html 18. VanCleave, Janice. Gravity, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1993. 19. Fleisher, Paul. Secrets of the Universe, Aatheneum, New York, 1987. 20. Daniels, Patricia, Allan Fallow, and Karin Kinney, Editorial Directors. Physical Forces, Time-Life, Alexandria, Virginia, 1993. Performance Assessment: This assignment should be evaluated for completeness and correctness. A minimum number of slides should be required with a list of necessary terms to be included. Additionally, the insertion of graphics and/or Internet pictures may also be required.

Technology Requirements/Integration  (help)

Internet access Microsoft Power Point or other presentation tools. LMC access

Copyright © 1997-2003
Career Connection to Teaching with Technology
USDOE Technology Innovation Challenge Grant
Marshall Ransom, Project Manager
All rights reserved.

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