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Battles of the Revolutionary War
Marlene Black
5th Grade    

Lesson created on 10/28/1999 8:45:10 PM EST.
Last modified 12/6/1999 10:51:39 AM EST.

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Abstract  (help)

The students will gain a working knowledge of the major battles, where they happened, and the impact they had on the outcome of the war. ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION: The students will investigate and make a map of the major battles, analyze the advantages one side had over the other, discuss and describe what the average soldiers life was like.

National Standards  (help)

Geography-Location/Movement Social Studies People, Places and Environment: Create, interpret, use and distinguish various representation of the earth such as maps, globes and photographs.

Pre-requisite Skills  (help)

Knowledge of basic map skills analyzing skills basic Knowledge of the events leading to the Revolutionary War

Teacher Information  (help)

PROCEDURE WITH TEACHING STRATEGIES The teacher introduces the topic by discussing the advantages and disadvantages each side had: Disadvantages Americans Had „h They didn¡¦t have enough food, weapons or soldiers „h Soldiers were not trained or organized Advantages Americans Had „h The Americans knew the land „h Geography was on the side of the Americans, the Atlantic ocean separated America from England, making transportation for the British very difficult „h The Americans were very motivated by powerful ideals of liberty and independence British Advantages „h Britain had a strong army and navy „h Most soldiers were well trained „h They had better and more supplies

Assessment  (help)

Time line of the battles, written report analyzing the effects of each battle.

Student Activity  (help)

ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION: The students will investigate and make a map of the major battles, analyze the advantages one side had over the other, discuss and describe what the average soldiers life was like. MATERIALS: Construction paper, models of maps, print out of colonial America as it was during the war. VOCABULARY: Continental army Hessians Bunker Hill Breeds Hill Saratoga Loyalist mercernay Trenton Yorktown

Technology Requirements/Integration  (help)

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Career Connection to Teaching with Technology
USDOE Technology Innovation Challenge Grant
Marshall Ransom, Project Manager
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