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Lesson 3: Storytelling - Let's Go Surfing
Bradley Fuerst
9-12 Elective    90 Min. Block/ Two 45 Minute Class periods

Lesson created on 11/1/1999 6:33:13 PM EST.
Last modified 11/19/1999 2:35:52 PM EST.

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Abstract  (help)

After students have been introduced to elements of storytelling, they will have the opportunity to find their own story to tell to an elementary-age audience. Sites which yield stories appropriate for an elementary audience should be pre-identified. It is especially effective if the Drama teacher can set up a website which provides links to the pre-identified online sources for stories. Students will receive time in class when they can find a story, download it into a word processing file, and format the story so that it is more accessible as a script. All steps should be outlined for the student in a handout in order to free up the Drama teacher to monitor student online activity.

National Standards  (help)

2. Understands production requirements for a variety of dramatic texts from cultural and historical perspectives. 3. Conceptualizes and realizes artistic interpretations for informal and formal productions

Pre-requisite Skills  (help)

1. Students should have a working knowledge of how to download information from the internet. 2. Students should be able to manuever around the internet efficiently. 3. Students should be able to conduct basic searches on the internet.

Teacher Information  (help)

1. Time Frame: 90 minute block or two - 45 min. class periods. 2. Materials: Macintosh computer or Gateways, Computer overhead and screen. 3. Resources: World Wide Web Access 4. Procedures/Strategies a. Anticipatory Set: Inform students that this classtime will be entirely devoted to finding a story on the web. Take a poll of how many kids have had experience surfing the web. b. Modeling: For those students who have not surfed the web, the teacher will show them the basic steps for locating a story online. For those who have surfed the web, the modeling of surfing will aid them in how to target their searches for finding a story. The teacher will need an overhead computer station to show students how to locate pre-designated sites as well as conduction searches on the internet. The following sites contain excellent online children’s stories and can be outlined on a web page. (Teachers should examine all websites before providing the addresses for student surfing) http://www.seanet.com/~eldrbarry/rabb/joy.htm http://www.ilhawaii.net/~stony/ http://www.acs.ucalgary.ca/~dkbrown/storfolk.html http://www.afroam.org/children/myths/myths.html http://www.thekids.com/kids/stories/ http://www.wildgear.com/stories/ http://www.acs.ucalgary.ca/~dkbrown/storclas.html http://storytime.click2site.com/ c. Once students understand both how to conduct searches, the drama coach will inform the students that they need seek the approval of the teacher before selecting and printing their stories. By doing requiring students to seek teacher approval, the drama coach will be able to eliminate the possibility of inappropriate stories. The teacher can also make sure that there are no duplicates among the stories selected. d. Before the teacher turns the class “loose,” he/she should emphasize with the students that they select a story they deeply want to tell. The students will be spending over two weeks preparing their stories, and they should like the story enough to spend that length of time preparing it for performance. e. Teachers should provide a step-by-step process for downloading stories into a word processing file. Students will need to produce a script from the internet which they will be able to use to make script markings and cuts. A handout to outline this process should be created by the teacher beforehand.

Assessment  (help)

1. Teacher monitoring of student online activity. Teachers will be able to assess student success in locating a story by circulating around the room monitoring online activity. 2. Students will provide evidence of locating a script by providing the teacher with a copy of their script at the end of the lesson.

Student Activity  (help)

1. Students will receive a handout outlining the process by which they may locate a story to tell to elementary kids. 2. Once students get online, students will surf the internet in search of a story which they feel motivated to share with an elementary audience. 3. After locating the story, students will download the story into a wordprocessing document in order to make formatting changes which will produce a workable script.

Technology Requirements/Integration  (help)

1. Internet access 2. Wordprocessor i.e. Clarisworks or Microsoft Word

Copyright © 1997-2003
Career Connection to Teaching with Technology
USDOE Technology Innovation Challenge Grant
Marshall Ransom, Project Manager
All rights reserved.

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