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Direct Object Pronouns
Carey Hansard
high school (9-12)    3-5 days

Lesson created on 7/8/1999 10:18:00 AM EST.
Last modified 2/9/2000 11:31:27 AM EST.

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Abstract  (help)

Even before the lesson starts, we will have covered the following basic parts of speech: a) subject b) conjugated verbs c) infinitive verbs d) present participles e) positive commands f) negative commands The lesson will then shift to what a direct object is and how to locate it in the sentence. Once this has been achieved, the direct object pronouns will be introduced and their uses discussed. (lo, la, los, las, me, te, and nos) Once the students are able to identify the direct object and choose the correct pronoun, the rules of placement are discussed. (a)Before the conjugated verb (b)attached to the end of the infinitive (c)attached to the end of the present participle (d)attached to the end of a positive command (e)before a positive command and after the no. The students will have a power point presentation as a reference tool for the explanation of the material. There will then be a cooperative learning activity using all of the grammar points covered. Worksheets will also be provided as practice for labeling and rewriting sentences with direct objects.

National Standards  (help)

Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through the foreign language. Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics. Students demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own.

Pre-requisite Skills  (help)

Students must be able to identify a subject and verb in a sentence. The types of verbs to be identified are: 1) conjugated verbs 2) infinitive verbs 3) present participles 4) positive commands 5) negative commands

Teacher Information  (help)

The lesson will begin with a discussion of what a direct object is. (how to locate it in a sentence) Ask if anyone knows how to find the direct object in this sentence: I know Maria. In order to find the direct object, the students must ask who or what is DIRECTLY affected by the verb. Maria is the direct object in the sentence. After they have identified the direct object (DO) in the sentence, ask them what they would use to replace the DO in English. Hopefully they will tell you that Her is the proper replacement word. Explain that that is a DIRECT OBJECT PRONOUN. A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun. Ask what the other replacement options are in English. Examples would be IT, HIM, THEM, etc... The Power Point presentation will then be used to explain how to do this in Spanish.

Assessment  (help)

As an assessment, a test and/or quiz can be given to determine if the student has grasped the concept. The student activity below is also a good indicator. There is a worksheet provided as a student activity. This worksheet can be put on the computer or on the chalkboard so that students can provide answers and recognize why something is correct or not correct and why!!

Student Activity  (help)

The students will be broken up into groups. The size of the group and how many groups there are will depend on the size of your classes and the number of words in your example sentences. You will need to come up with some sentences that have direct objects in them and put the words on construction paper. If you laminate them, you can use them every year. For example: Yo (on the first sheet) conozco (on the second sheet) and a Maria. (on the last sheet). Then, give each student one of those papers. Now the other students in the group will get the parts of speech and the direct object pronoun. For example, one student will have a paper that says subject, another conjugated verb, and the last direct object. The last student in that group will have the DOP, la. The object of the activity is for the students to work together to identify the parts of the sentence, and decide where the direct object pronoun should go and what it should replace.

Technology Requirements/Integration  (help)

Power Point is an option to present notes for the lesson. Direct Object PowerPoint Notes

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USDOE Technology Innovation Challenge Grant
Marshall Ransom, Project Manager
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