Distinguish between the precision and the accuracy of a measurement. Determine the number of significant figures in a measurement. Express the result of a mathematical operation to the proper decimal place (addition and subtraction) or to the proper number of signification figures (multiplication and division). Be able to round off measurement to a specified number of significant figures. Convert a very large or very small number to scientific notation. Carry out mathematical operations with numbers expressed in scientific in notation.
Select and apply technology tools for research, information analysis, problem-solving, and decision-making in content learning.
Measurement is the collection of quantitative data. The proper handling and interpretation of measurements are essential in science. Measuremnts contain a unit and some inherent error. This unit discusses ways to recognize, estimate and report the errors that are always present in measurements.
Open discussion. On-line quizzes. Laboratory Performance. Tests.
Lesson I: Accuracy and Precision http://atech.org/faculty/dunne/Lessons/math/Lesson1/acc1.htm Lesson II: Significant Figures http://atech.org/faculty/dunne/Lessons/math/Lesson2/sigfig1.htm Lesson III : Significant Figures and Calculated Quantities http://atech.org/faculty/dunne/Lessons/math/LessIII/lesson3.htm Lesson IV: Scientific Notation http://atech.org/faculty/dunne/Lessons/math/LessIV/lesson4.htm
Standard Title: NUMERIC PROBLEM SOLVERS (3.3) Students use numeric operations and concepts to describe, analyze, disaggregate, communicate, and synthesize numeric data, and to identify and solve problems.