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Sunday, February 16, 2025
Assessment English/Language Arts Mathematics
Assessment: Checklists English/Literature Science & Technology
Assessment: Rubrics General Resources Social Studies
Educational Resources Learning Styles/Inquiry Standards
Elementary Lesson Planning Theory to Practice

1 (view)  Authentic Assessment
online resource lnks
2 (view)  Elementary Assessment Tools
a wonderful collection of elementary rubrics…ready to use
3 (view)  PALS
PALS is an on-line, standards-based, continually updated resource bank of science performance assessment tasks indexed via the National Science Education Standards (NSES) and various other standards frameworks.
4 (view)  Teacher Helpers: Assessment & Rubric Information
This is a section of Kathy Schrock's Guide dedicated to writing rubrics of all kinds.

Assessment: Checklists
1 (view)  A Collection of Assessment Strategies
2 (view)  Problem Based Learning Checklists
Customize your own checklists for writing, science, oral presentations & multimedia

Assessment: Rubrics
1 (view)  Kathy Schrock's Guide for Educators - Assessment Rubrics
2 (view)  Rubistar
RubiStar is a tool to help the teacher who wants to use rubrics but does not have the time to develop them from scratch.
3 (view)  Rubric Construction Set
Another rubric construction tool
4 (view)  Rubric Generators
An easy to use tool to generate a great variety of rubrics
5 (view)  Rubrics - The kidsAIDS site
A very lengthy list of sample rubrics
6 (view)  Rubrics for Web Lessons

Educational Resources
1 (view)  Blue Web'n
A library of Blue Ribbon learning sites on the Web.
2 (view)  Classroom Connect
You'll find K-12 lesson plans, grants, and resources here.
3 (view)  Electric Library
A great resource for both teachers and students. Over 17,000 articles from The Concise Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, and it's absolutely free. The entries are short so you can check facts quickly. There are also links to related web sites and books.
4 (view)  ERIC (Educational Products Information Exchange Institute)
This is a K-College resource site from 16 Clearinghouses.
5 (view)  From Now On: the Educational Technology Journal
A top site for everything education and technology. Besides being able to subscribe to free monthly journal, the site offers articles on assessment, parenting, staff development, web site design, and the "Ten Best Web Sites for Educational Technology." A must visit.
allows you to create puzzles and games for your newsletters, flyers, handouts, or classroom assignments, and it's free!
7 (view)  The Global Schoolhouse
This site facilitates collaborative projects among other things.
8 (view)  Traodoivn
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9 (view)  U.S. Department of Education
You can find grant opportunities and descriptions of successful programs. Links to great resources and research findings.

1 (view)  Kathy Schrock's Guide for Educators - Elementary

English/Language Arts
1 (view)  4teachers.com
Teaching creative writing across the Net: three teachers started a Young Authors Forum with the help of a grant.
2 (view)  Armadillo's K-12 WWW Resources
This is a directory of resources for K-12 teachers and students. Besides CORE subject area, the site includes Gifted and Talented Education, Special Education, Libraries, & FieldTrips/Museums. There are also links to Educational Resources.
3 (view)  Classroom Connect
Offers lots of goodies for teachers, including a newsletter, and teacher tips for the classroom.
4 (view)  Comparing and Evaluating Web Information Resources
This article from FNO Educational Technology Journal (Vol 6|No 9|June|1997) offers a list of useful terms w/glossary to evaluate information obtained from the Internet. There is a rubric to follow and a list of links to other sites on this subject.
5 (view)  EDinformatics-Education for the Information Age
This is a database of information leading to over 1,000,000 reviewed sites. Go to Literature, and you'll find a link to Chats and Forums.
6 (view)  Education week on the Net
This magazine (print & electronic) features current educational news plus information about teachers and technology.
7 (view)  Education World "Where Educators go to Learn"
This site contains a storehouse of information, from "Subject Centers" to "Feature Areas." A must visit.
8 (view)  Educator's Toolkit
This is a newsletter that contains links to teacher resources, libraries, technology, parents, kids, themes, mini-themes, holidays, projects and lessons.
9 (view)  Englishcompanion.com
A must on your list of important sites, this site is a wonderland of great stuff for the English teacher. Jim Burke, who wrote English Teacher's Companion and other great books for English teachers, hosts the site, which in spite of the ".com" moniker, is a non-profit site. It will take repeated visits to take advantage of all its resources for teachers of English language arts.
10 (view)  Enlish Companion: Gallery of Tools
Contents of this page serve as a companion to my next book Illuminating Texts: Developing Students' Textual Intelligence. This book is not due out until 2002, but as I build the digital companion to the book I see no reason why such information should not be made available to you.
11 (view)  Exworthy Educational Links
This site has a multitude of resources for educators in every subject area. For the English language arts teacher there are links to research, resources, lessons, and other educational categories. For example, the Inspiration trial download is linked along with other goodies.
12 (view)  Kathy Schrock's Guide for Educators - Literature and Language Arts
13 (view)  Mid-continent Research for Education and Learning - (McREL) K-12 Services & Products
This site contains links to other educational resources and services
14 (view)  NEA (National Education Association) - Teaching
This site offers links to selected articles about teaching in general.
15 (view)  NEA Works4Me Tips Library
This site is an archive for NEA's Weekly Classroom Tips E-mail. Become a subscriber here to receive an E-mail message with practical classroom tips submitted by teachers. You can also join the Works4Me Threaded Discussion and meet other subscribers online.
16 (view)  Online Writing Center Consortium Home Page (OWL)
This site offers good resources for getting started in teaching writing.
17 (view)  PBS Teacher Resources
Links to the "latest and greatest" in educational technology research studies available online.
18 (view)  SCORE: CyberGuides: Teacher Guides & Student Activities
This site contains guides for the teaching of literature, grades K-12. It offers a template for a "new, standards-based, web-delivered concept at SCORE language arts" that would be worth looking as a basis for a lesson.
This site is a fairly new effort by private industry (Vons) and LACOE to provide a one-week workshop for teachers in Ojai, California at the Thatcher School. The site offers lessons that participants have created during their sessions. Although there are few English language arts- only lessons, you will find that it runs as a strand in many subject areas. Their lesson plan archives provides a model lesson which is used as a template for web-based lessons.

General Resources
1 (view)  Best Web Sites
2 (view)  Blue Web'N
A library of Blue Web'N Learning Sites
3 (view)  Content Specific Learning Strategies
Includes learning strategies for a variety of disciplines that include: math, biology, chemistry, physics, and English.
4 (view)  Cooperative Learning (New Horizons Resource Links)
5 (view)  Engagement Strategies
6 (view)  General Purpose Learning Strategies
Includes references to a variety of strategies that include: attention & listening, questioning, group and cooperative learning, etc.
7 (view)  MarketingTeacher.com
Marketing links and free mini-lessons are available at this site. Students can read a short lesson on pricing, for example, then take part in an activity designed to illustrate how the concept works in the real world. These lessons are a great starting point for class discussions. Grade Level: High School, College Content Area: Business (Marketing) Dewey #658

Learning Styles/Inquiry
1 (view)  Center for Inquiry Based Learning
2 (view)  Open Directory Project

Lesson Planning/Resources/Lesson Links
1 (view)  Blue Web'N
A library of Blue Web'N Learning Sites
2 (view)  National Teacher Training Institute
The National Teacher Training Institute (NTTI) provides teachers with the vision, strategies, and resources they need to make dynamic use of classroom technology, and these resources align with the standards as outlined by the national organizations in mathematics, science, language arts and social studies.
3 (view)  Net Day Compass: Guide to the World of Ed Tech Resources
excellent resource for lesson-planning resources, online tutorials and much more…why create what already exists?
4 (view)  New York Times Lesson Plan Archive
5 (view)  Pittsburgh Teachers Institute: PTI Curriculum Units Online
The Pittsburgh Teachers Institute offers teachers the opportunity to develop curriculum units for their classrooms. The units, from 1999 to 2001, are designed for all levels of students and cover integrated units in Mathematics, Science, English and the Social Sciences. Many of the resources listed are print resources, so the lessons from 1999 have good ideas and not bad links.

1 (view)  ENC
2 (view)  Kathy Schrock's Guide for Educators - Elementary
3 (view)  Kathy Schrock's Guide for Educators - Mathematics
4 (view)  Math Education: Professional and Software Developer Internet Sites
5 (view)  Mathematics Lesson Plans (links)
6 (view)  NCTM Standards Based Lessons
7 (view)  The Classroom Compass (ENC)
8 (view)  The Math Forum

Science and Technology
1 (view)  ENC
2 (view)  Encyclopedia Smithsonian
3 (view)  Kathy Schrock's Guide forEducators - Science and Technology
4 (view)  Science Education: Professional and Software Developer Internet Sites
5 (view)  The Classroom Compass (ENC)

Social Studies
1 (view)  American Memory Program
As we near the dawn of a new Millennium, America Dreams creates a timely forum for citizens to consider the dreams of our past, the realities of the present and our hopes for the future. This project, a collaborative effort by Leni Donlan and Kathleen Ferenz, 1997 Fellows, American Memory Program, Library of Congress, challenges students to explore the American Dream from three perspectives.
2 (view)  Anatomy of a Murder
WELCOME to the web site that puts you right in the middle of the action in a criminal murder trial.
3 (view)  Anglo Saxon Living History
4 (view)  Civics and Government Standards
5 (view)  CNN Interactive
6 (view)  Cyberlearning World
A wealth of Internet resources
7 (view)  Digital Classroom
National Archive- Welcome to the Digital Classroom! To encourage teachers of students at all levels to use archival documents in the classroom, the Digital Classroom provides materials from the National Archives and methods for teaching with primary sources. Visit our page regularly as we expand our offerings.
8 (view)  Discovery Online
9 (view)  Ecotourism
Follow our virtual "Ecotourism Explorer Path." It will not only lead you to a provocative collection of vital facts, but also to some nuggets of personal wisdom that real-time explorers in this field have acquired.
10 (view)  Excite Travel: Destinations: Countries; Territories
11 (view)  Federal Resources for Educational Excellence
12 (view)  Geography Games, Quizzes and Trivia
13 (view)  Geography Quizzes at Quia.com
14 (view)  Geography World
15 (view)  Glossary of Medieval Art and Architecture
16 (view)  Making of America
17 (view)  National Archive- Welcome to the Digital Classroom!
To encourage teachers of students at all levels to use archival documents in the classroom, the Digital Classroom provides materials from the National Archives and methods for teaching with primary sources. Visit our page regularly as we expand our offerings.
18 (view)  National Center for History in Schools
19 (view)  National Council for Social Studies
20 (view)  National Geographic
21 (view)  National Social Studies Standards
22 (view)  North Hagarstown High School
A gateway to outstanding Social Studies links.
23 (view)  Online quiz development
24 (view)  Political Cartoons
25 (view)  Scout Report for Social Studies and the Humanities
26 (view)  Seven Wonders of the Ancient World
27 (view)  Social Studies School Service
28 (view)  Terraserver-Free satellite photos
29 (view)  The Annenberg Project
The Annenberg/CPB Math and Science Project was created to improve K-12 math and science education. In the mid '90s, with the advent of the Web and digital satellite technology, this new project began to provide workshops and other educational programming to schools via satellite on the free Annenberg/CPB Channel. The Channel allowed teachers from around the nation to see into each other's classrooms and learn from each other.
30 (view)  The Roman Forum
31 (view)  Theodora.com-Thousands of Free maps
32 (view)  Truman Digital Archives
33 (view)  United Nations Scholar’s Workstation
34 (view)  Welcome To MapQuest!

1 (view)  Benchmarks for Science Literacy
2 (view)  California Challenge Standards
This site will lead you to challenge standards for the following: Foreign Language, Health Education, Physical Education, Visual and Performing Arts, Career Preparation, Service Learning, and Applied Learning.
3 (view)  K-12 Academic Content Standards for California Public Schools
On this site you will find the adopted California standards for English-Language Arts, Mathematics, History-Social Science, and Science
4 (view)  LAUSD Standards
This site lists k-12 standards in all subjects for the Los Angeles Unified School District
5 (view)  McREL’s K-12 Standards Content Knowledge
6 (view)  National Science Education Standards - full text
7 (view)  Science for All Americans

Theory to Practice
1 (view)  Center for Inquiry Based Learning
2 (view)  Constructivism and the 5 E Model Science Lesson
3 (view)  Content Specific Learning Strategies
Includes learning strategies for a variety of disciplines that include: math, biology, chemistry, physics, and English.
4 (view)  Cooperative Learning (New Horizons Resource Links)
5 (view)  Disney Learning Partnership
6 (view)  Disney Learning Partnership: Concepts to Classrooms
a general resource on theories and strategies in the classroom & an interactive forum for learning these theories and practices. Includes multiple intelligences, constructivism, inquiry, assessment, and much more.
7 (view)  Facets of 4MAT
good for various learning styles and inquiry
8 (view)  General Purpose Learning Strategies
Includes references to a variety of strategies that include: attention & listening, questioning, group and cooperative learning, etc.
9 (view)  Individual Differences: The 4MAT System
good for various learning styles and inquiry
10 (view)  It’s All in the Design (Inquiry, Curriculum Design Schemata and more)
11 (view)  Jennifer Niskanen's 4Mat Page
good for various learning styles and inquiry
12 (view)  Learning Cycle
Learning Cycle Checklist – nice quick check to see if your lesson/unit design aligns with the learning cycle…if that’s your goal
13 (view)  The Constructivist Learning Model
Good examples for building a lesson/unit using the learning cycle

1 (view)  ClassroomClipart.Com
A former classroom teacher put together this site that is easy to use and has great images. Be sure students read the terms of use and understand that these are to be used for educational uses only. A nifty feature, if you want to just browse the site, is the RAND button in the box with the category links. This brings up a page of random images, so you can get an idea of the scope of the collection.
2 (view)  Cyberbee
This is a great site for teachers looking for more ways to integrate technology into their classroom. Look into the Curriculum Ideas, How Tos, Treasure Hunts, and the fine articles to give you fresh ideas.
3 (view)  Federal Resources for Educational Excellence
Linked by subject areas to already developed lesson resources
4 (view)  Graphic Organizers Generator
A variety of graphic organizers can be produced.
5 (view)  Terrafly
Have students view their environment in a different way. Simply type in the address you wish to see, and TerraFly delivers an aerial view of the site.
6 (view)  UMUC-Bell Atlantic Virtual Resource Site for Teaching with Technology
These two modules were developed to give all the basics of online learning. Module One is a good place to acquaint yourself with Teaching/Learning Activities (with great examples) and the Technologies needed for learning. This really helps educators address the issue "What do you want to use technology for?"

Copyright © 1997-2003
Career Connection to Teaching with Technology
USDOE Technology Innovation Challenge Grant
Marshall Ransom, Project Manager
All rights reserved.

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