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Learning Interchange
National Writing Institute

Friday, February 28, 2025

Index Card Summaries and Questions
Periodically distribute index cards and ask student to write on both sides. On side one have students respond to what they understand from the unit of study. On side two have them write something they do not yet fully understand.

Hand Signals
Ask student to display a hand signal to indicate their understanding of a concept or process.
Engage with a verbal prompt like "I understand " or "I'm not sure about..."

Question Box or Board
Establish a location where students may leave or post questions about concepts or processes they do not understand.

Analogy Prompt
Periodically assess student understanding with a prompt like "(A designated concept or process) is like __________________ because __________________________."

Visual Representations (Web, Concept Map or other Graphic Organizer)
Ask students to create a visual representation to show the elements or components of a
concept or process. See web page: http://www.graphic.org/goindex.html

Oral Questioning
Use questions and follow-up probes regularly to check for understanding.

How is __________ similar to/different from ___________?
What are the characteristics/parts of____________?
What is the big idea, key concept or moral in _____________?
Give an example of ____________?
What might you infer from ____________?
What are you assuming about ____________?
What might happen if ___________?
What criteria would you use to evaluate ____________?
What evidence supports ___________?
What other perspectives might exist about ____________?
What strategy could you use to _____________?

Follow-Up Probe

What do you mean by?
How do you know?
Do you agree?
Tell me more.
Give your reasons.
But what about?
Could you give an example?
What data support your position?

Misconception Check
Present students with common or predictable misconceptions about a certain concept or process. Ask them whether they agree or disagree and explain why? These can be written as true-false or multiple choice questions.

Adapted from Understanding by Design, Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe, 1998.

Copyright © 1997-2003
Career Connection to Teaching with Technology
USDOE Technology Innovation Challenge Grant
Marshall Ransom, Project Manager
All rights reserved.

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