Instructional goals
Form of Inquiry Pedagogy
Activity Samples
Conceptual change; development of accurate understandings
Tightly structured activities & demonstrations with teacher
Linear relationships
Pendulum swing factors
Explore contexts & materials surrounding concepts
Open-ended, divergent inquiries that allow free manipulation of
materials & stimulate questions
Best use of pen & ink
Advertisement design
Solutes & solvents exploration
Design explorations
Describe & compare local phenomena; collect data, infer
meanings for data
Teacher/students pose real world problem; students design &
implement investigations; generate claims (whole class, small group or
individual student research; project based)
Population trends
Market Study
Stream health analysis
Inquiries centered on student-developed questions to research
Develop skills to conduct inquiries with underlying multiple
hypotheses; gather evidence; construct explanations
Teacher/students pose experimental problem; design &
implement investigations; report conclusions with supporting evidence (whole
class & small group guided inquiries; project-based; individual student
Impact of living wage on job market
Factors affecting rate of reaction