
Hub Sites

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     Lesson Plan Organizer
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National Curriculum Institute
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Units of Practice
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PowerPoint Presentations

Yearly Summaries
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  Final Report

Learning Interchange
National Writing Institute

Friday, July 26, 2024



1. Intent

  • Professional development experience grounded in content
  • Pilot with sustainability potential

2. Collaboration & Respect

  • We are all experts.
  • We all have voice.
  • The power of the team is greater the the sum of the powers of all group members.

3. Quality

  • This will be difficult work.
  • Time frames will be intense.
  • All work will be standards-aligned & technology-based.
  • We will push the boundary of thematic and authentic work.
  • The result will be an exceptional CCTT product.

4. Take care of yourself and each other

  • Take care of yourself...short personal breaks and stand or walk as needed
  • Take care of each other...no sidebars & listen with intent
  • Let the leaders know if you have a concern


Copyright © 1997-2003
Career Connection to Teaching with Technology
USDOE Technology Innovation Challenge Grant
Marshall Ransom, Project Manager
All rights reserved.

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