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Diffusion & Osmosis - Trading Places
Sandra McCreight Carmen Hood

Unit created on 8/9/1999 EST.
Last modified 11/11/1999 4:04:11 PM EST.

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Fundamental Understandings (help)

Diffusion is a process that allows ions or molecules to move from where they are more concentrated to where they are less concentrated. This process accounts for the movement of many small molecules across a cell membrane. Diffusion allows cells to acquire food and exchange waste products. Osmosis is the movement of water across a selectively permeable membrane. Osmosis is central to understanding a number of physiological phenomena including the translocation of materials within plants, adaptations of unicellular and multicellular organisms living in freshwater and marine environments and the functioning of the human kidney.

Technology ISTE Standards (info) 

Use technology tools and resources for managing and communicating personal/professional information (e.g., finances, schedules, addresses, purchases, correspondence). Select and apply technology tools for research, information analysis, problem-solving, and decision-making in content learning. Collaborate with peers, experts, and others to contribute to a content related knowledge base by using technology to compile, synthesize, produce, and disseminate information, models, and other creative works.

Information Literacy Standards (info) 

Category I: Information Literacy The student who is information literate: Standard 1 Accesses information efficiently and effectively, as described by the following indicators: 1.recognizes the need for information: 2.recognizes that accurate and comprehensive information is the basis for intelligent decision making; 3.formulates questions based on information needs; 4.identifies a variety of potential sources of information; 5.develops and uses successful strategies for locating information. Standard 2: Evaluates information critically and competently, as described by the following indicators: 1.determines accuracy, relevance, and comprehensiveness; 2.distinguishes among facts, point of view, and opinion; 3.identifies inaccurate and misleading information; 4.selects information appropriate to the problem or question at hand. Standard 3: Uses information effectively and creatively, as described by the following indicators: 1.organizes information for practical application; 2.integrates new information into one's own knowledge; 3.applies information in critical thinking and problem solving; 4.produces and communication information and ideas in appropriate formats.

Relevance (help)

Diffusion accounts for the movement of many small molecules across a cell membrane. Diffusion allows cells to acquire food and exchange waste products. Osmosis is central to understanding a number of physiological phenomena including the translocation of materials within plants, adaptations of unicellular and multicellular organisms living in freshwater and marine environments and the functioning of the human kidney.

Assessment (help)

Concept mapping (applies to all levels but best at entry level) Laboratory experiments with data analysis (all levels) Laboratory practicals (all levels but especially with honors and advanced placement) Self-quizzes (all levels) Use of graphing calculators to share and analyze collected data (honors and advanced placement) Spreadsheet and graphing computer applications (all levels)

Components (help)

Lesson 1: Applies to all Biology levels Teacher demonstrations illustrating diffusion concepts a. "What's That Smell" b. Food Coloring/overhead c. "Red and Blue Make Purple" Lecture notes Lesson 2: Applies to all Biology 1-2 ability levels Option 1: Diffusion Through a Membrane (laboratory) Option 2: Osmosis With an Egg (laboratory) Lesson 3: Applies to honors level Biology 1-2 and AP Biology Option 1: Osmosis Across a Semipermeable Membrane (laboratory) Option 2: Diffusion and Osmosis (laboratory) Option 3: Water Potential in Potato Cells-Osmotic Pressure (laboratory) Enrichment Activities Measuring Diffusion of a Solid in a Liquid (laboratory) Diffusion in Yeast and Elodea (laboratory) Why Cells Divide (laboratory) Using a Graphing Calculator to Analyze Data Lesson 4: Assessment see unit plan for details

URLs (help)


Workforce Competencies (info) (help)

Standard Title: EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATORS (3.2) Students communicate in English and other languages using information, concepts, prose, symbols, reports, audio and video recordings, speeches, graphic displays, and computer-based programs. Standard Title: NUMERIC PROBLEM SOLVERS (3.3) Students use numeric operations and concepts to describe, analyze, disaggregate, communicate, and synthesize numeric data, and to identify and solve problems. Standard Title: CREATIVE AND CRITICAL THINKERS (3.4) Students use creative thinking skills to generate new ideas, make the best decisions, recognize and solve problems through reasoning, interpret symbolic data, and develop efficient techniques for lifelong learning. Standard Title: ETHICAL AND RESPONSIBLE WORKERS (3.5) Students display responsibility, self-esteem, sociability, self-management, integrity, and healthy decision-making. Standard Title: RESOURCE MANAGERS (3.6) Students appropriately allocate time, money, materials, and other resources. Standard Title: SYSTEMS MANAGERS (3.7) Students integrate their knowledge and understanding of how social, organizational, informational, and technological systems work with their abilities to analyze trends, design and improve systems, and use and maintain appropriate technology. Standard Title: COOPERATIVE WORKERS (3.8) Students work cooperatively to successfully complete a project or activity. Standard Title: EFFECTIVE LEADERS (3.9) Students establish credibility with their colleagues through competence and integrity, and help their peers achieve their goals by communicating their feelings and ideas to justify or successfully negotiate a position, which advances goal attainment.

Osmosis With an Egg
Diffusion in Elodea and Yeast
Using a Graphing Calculator
Why Cells Divide
Diffusion of a Solid Through A Liquid
Water Potential in Potato Cells-Osmotic Pressure
Diffusion and Osmosis

Diffusion and Osmosis Lecture Notes
Osmosis Across a Semipermeable Membrane
Diffusion Through A Membrane

Copyright © 1997-2003
Career Connection to Teaching with Technology
USDOE Technology Innovation Challenge Grant
Marshall Ransom, Project Manager
All rights reserved.

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