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Diggin' for the Pearl
J.M. Kubes
Language Arts

Unit created on 9/1/1999 EST.
Last modified 11/11/1999 4:04:43 PM EST.

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Fundamental Understandings (help)

The main purpose of this project is for students to learn about how society is stratified into social classes and how this division affects economic scenarios as well as social, political and historical ones. Music is an important tool utilized throughout the novel. Students will examine the importance of music in their lives and how the symbolism of music enhances the thematic elements of the novel. Students will learn how to function in a cooperative environment, how to use search engines on the world wide web, presenting information orally, importing text, graphic and sound files, word processing, multi media presentations and the importance of technology for research and presentations.

Technology ISTE Standards (info) 

Standard 1: Basic operations and concepts- Students demonstrate a sound understanding of the nature and operation of technology systems. Standard 2: Social, ethical, and human issues- Students understand the ethical, cultural, and societal issues related to technology. Students practice responsible use of technology.

Information Literacy Standards (info) 

Standard 1: The student who is information literate accesses information efficiently and effectively. Standard 2: The student who is information literate evaluates information critically and competently. Standard 3: The student who is information literate uses information accurately and creatively. Standard 4: The student who is an independent learner is information literate and pursues information related to personal interests. Standard 5: The student who is an independent learner is information literate and appreciates literature and other creative expressions of information. Standard 8: The student who contributes positively to the learning community and to society is information literate and practices ethical behavior in regard to information and information technology. Standard 9: The student who contributes positively to the learning community and to society is information literate and participates effectively in groups to pursue and generate information.

Relevance (help)

The global student must be able to define an individual sense of processing information and must also be able to accept and understand how others process the same information. By understanding technology and how it works students are able to experience the validity of information and how it affects the contemporary scholar.

Assessment (help)

*Essay criteria- Essay must be word processed, saved in a disk, free of spelling and grammar errors. *Research Criteria- All researched must be sited and be consistent and pertaining to the chosen topic. *Design Criteria- All web pages must be organized and audience specific. Lay out must be easily understood and saved on a disk. *Presentation Criteria- Web Page must be presented in an understandable manner, explanations of strategic lay out choices must be given.

Components (help)

1- Studentsread the text and write two essays, 2 drafts, multi paragraphed. Students will exercise analytical thingking skills. 2- Students use the internet to research cultures to compare how each culture validly exists. Students learn cultural sensitivity and how the internet can be used as avalid search tool. 3- Students will use a web authoring tool to post and present the information discovered in activity 2. Students learn web page layouts and how to use internet based information properly. 4-Students present their sites to the class to compare their discoveries with those made by peers.

URLs (help)


Workforce Competencies (info) (help)

Standard Title: INFORMATION MANAGERS (3.1) Students locate, comprehend, interpret, evaluate, maintain, and apply information, concepts, and ideas found in literature, the arts, symbols, recordings, video and other graphic displays, and computer files in order to perform tasks and/or for enjoyment. Standard Title: EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATORS (3.2) Students communicate in English and other languages using information, concepts, prose, symbols, reports, audio and video recordings, speeches, graphic displays, and computer-based programs. tandard Title: CREATIVE AND CRITICAL THINKERS (3.4) Students use creative thinking skills to generate new ideas, make the best decisions, recognize and solve problems through reasoning, interpret symbolic data, and develop efficient techniques for lifelong learning. Standard Title: ETHICAL AND RESPONSIBLE WORKERS (3.5) Students display responsibility, self-esteem, sociability, self-management, integrity, and healthy decision-making. Standard Title: SYSTEMS MANAGERS (3.7) Students integrate their knowledge and understanding of how social, organizational, informational, and technological systems work with their abilities to analyze trends, design and improve systems, and use and maintain appropriate technology. Standard Title: COOPERATIVE WORKERS (3.8) Students work cooperatively to successfully complete a project or activity. Standard Title: EFFECTIVE LEADERS (3.9) Students establish credibility with their colleagues through competence and integrity, and help their peers achieve their goals by communicating their feelings and ideas to justify or successfully negotiate a position, which advances goal attainment. Standard Title: CULTURALLY SENSITIVE LEADERS (3.10) Students appreciate their own culture and the cultures of others, understand the concerns and perspectives of members of other ethnic and gender groups, reject the stereotype of themselves and others, and seek out and utilize the views of persons from diverse ethnic, social and educational backgrounds.

Diggin' for the Pearl 1
Diggin' for the Pearl 2
Diggin' for the Pearl 3
Diggin' for the Pearl 4

Copyright © 1997-2003
Career Connection to Teaching with Technology
USDOE Technology Innovation Challenge Grant
Marshall Ransom, Project Manager
All rights reserved.

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